Soy & Tofu

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The Art of Tofu

Akasha Richmond

Morinaga Publications, 1997

used softcover, spiral-bound

88  pages

our price:   $3.50 plus media mail shipping

Tofu Cookery

by Louise Hagler

The Book Publishing Company, 1982

softcover - good condition

160 pages

a few pages have light stains

$3.50 plus media mail shipping

Soy of Cooking - Easy-to-Make Vegetarian, Low-Fat, Fat-Free & Antioxidant-Rich Gourmet Recipes

by Marie Oser

Chronimed Publishing, 1996

softcover, like new condition, 264 pages   

our price: $4.95  plus media mail shipping

The Whole Soy Cookbook - 175 Delicious, Nutritious, Easy-To-Prepare Reciped Featuring Tofu, Tempeh, and Various Forms of Nature’s Healthiest Bean

by Patricia Greenberg with Helen Newton Hartung

softcover, like new

no marks or notes - all pages are clean, crisp,

and unread

Three Rivers Press, 1998

226 pages

our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

The New Soy Cookbook

Tempting Recipes For Tofu, Tempeh,

Soybeans & Soymilk

by Lorna Sass

Chronicle Books, 1998

softcover,  120 pages

like new condition

pages are clean and crisp

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

Tofu Cookery

by Louise Hagler

The Book Publishing Company, 1982

softcover - like new  condition

160 pages

$3.95 plus media mail shipping

Tofu, Tempeh, & Other Soy Delights

Enjoying traditional Oriental soyfoods in American-style cuisine

by Camille Cusumano

Rodale Press, 1984

vintage softcover, 261  pages

very good condition

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping

The Whole Soy Cookbook - 175 Delicious, Nutritious, Easy-To-Prepare Reciped Featuring Tofu, Tempeh, and Various Forms of Nature’s Healthiest Bean

by Patricia Greenberg with Helen Newton Hartung

softcover, like new

no marks or notes - all pages are clean, crisp,

and unread

Three Rivers Press, 1998

226 pages

our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

Cooking With Healthy Soy

by Joanna M. Lund with Barbara Alpert

A Perigee Book, 2005

A Healthy Exchanges Cookbook

plastic ring softcover, good condition, no marks or notes - all pages are clean and intact

370 pages -

our price:   $4.95 plus media mail shipping

The Whole Soy Cookbook - 175 Delicious, Nutritious, Easy-To-Prepare Reciped Featuring Tofu, Tempeh, and Various Forms of Nature’s Healthiest Bean

by Patricia Greenberg with Helen Newton Hartung

softcover, like new

no marks or notes - all pages are clean, crisp,

and unread

Three Rivers Press, 1998

226 pages

our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

The Book of Tofu

by William Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi

Ten Speed Press, 1998

softcover, 336 pages

excellent condition

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Healthy Soy

Cooking with soybeans for health and vitality

by Brigid Treloar

Periplus, 2003

hardcover, 112 pages

very good condition

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

Tofu, Tempeh, & Other Soy Delights

Enjoying traditional Oriental soyfoods in American-style cuisine

by Camille Cusumano

Rodale Press, 1984

vintage softcover, 261  pages

cover shows wear

some stains

our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

Tofu Goes West

by Gary Landgrebe

Fresh Press, 1978

vintage softcover, 114 pages

good condition - $4.50 plus media mail shipping

Tofu Cookery

Revised Edition

by Louise Hagler

The Book Publishing Company, 1982

softcover - good condition

gift inscription written on title page

160 pages

$3.95 plus media mail shipping

The Tofu Cookbook

The no-cholesterol, high-protein food from

the Orient as it can be used in your kitchen

by Cathy Bauer & Juel Andersen

Woodcuts by David Frampton

vintage softcover - good condition

Rodale Press, 1979

188 pages

cover is lightly soiled

$4.95 plus media mail shipping

The Soy of Cooking

A Tofu and Tempeh Recipe Book

by Reggi Norton and Martha Wagner

Revised Edition

vintage softcover - good condition

White Crane Publications, 1981

58 pages

shows light wear

$3.95 plus media mail shipping

The Tofu Cookbook

The no-cholesterol, high-protein food from

the Orient as it can be used in your kitchen

by Cathy Bauer & Juel Andersen

Woodcuts by David Frampton

vintage softcover - shows light wear

Rodale Press, 1979

188 pages

cover is lightly soiled

$4.95 plus media mail shipping